Sunday, March 7, 2010

New venture - Rehabilitation of Mentally challenged

We i.e. Sandnya Sawardhan Sanstha is on the verge of starting a new rehabilitation unit. This is a repacking unit for agarbatti i.e. Incensed Sticks. agarbatti is a integral part of Indian people's daily life. It can be very conveniently stated that more than 90 % Indian adult population uses agarbatti. And this is irrespective of cast, creed and religion. The use of agarbatti is almost hundred percent through out all families and all over the country. The use of agarbatti does not stop here, all business establishments weather small, medium or large, trading, manufacturing or recycling for that matter any business activity the use of agarbatti in the morning and in the evening is almost like mandatory. Thus to say, the market for agarbatti is very huge and wide spread. It is same in urban and rural areas. The market is not only huge but is totally controlled by cottage industry. There are unlimited brands and varieties with different incense and fragrance. Because the taste of each individual differs and so the preferences for fragrance also varies.
All above facts about agarbatti business and and sufficient profits in repacking has prompted us to venture in to this new trade. The home work done in this regard by one of our single parent Mrs Lonkar, gives me a positive indication for this project. I am confident that we can make this
rehab unit successful in a very short time provided our marketing is in a right direction.
We have already zeroed on two students, one is Prasad and the other is Devadatta. We are starting with only two students because, I feel the per day out put of these two would be more than 100 packets. Each pack will be prised at Rs.10/-. Though aggarbatti is a item of daily consumption, it will not be essy to sell 100 per day at least for first 5-6 months. I have no doubt that each boy can give a out put of more than 200 packs per day once they are properly trained for the same. We propose to start this venture on 16th of March 2010 i.e. GudiPadva the Hindu New Year Day.

By: Navin Deshpande, Secretary,SSS

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